07879 062316 / 01603 850787

AA4400X Tabletop Cooler

Top of Range with Solenoid Dispensing Buttons, HygieneGuard Tap Protection to reduce hand to tap bacterial contamination and - for POU Coolers - FloodGuard to avoid large scale flooding. Anthracite with Silver livery.
Floor Standing or Table Top, Ambient & Cold or Hot & Cold

AA4400X Tabletop Cooler Specifications

Height 460mm
Width 340mm
Depth 340mm
Weight 15kg

AA4400X Cooler

Top of Range with Solenoid Dispensing Buttons, HygieneGuard Tap Protection to reduce hand to tap bacterial contamination and - for POU Coolers - FloodGuard to avoid large scale flooding. Anthracite with Silver livery. Floor Standing or Table Top, Ambient & Cold or Hot & Cold

AA4400X Cooler Specifications


Floor Standing:
Height 1135mm
Width 340mm
Depth 340mm
Weight 18kg